Last Saturday, October 15, we hosted our first Cuffing Club event with our friend's at Persona, in Dumbo. Signaling Special Special's new era of local experimental pop-up projects, and our first ever event in Brooklyn! Right on schedule for Cuffing Season, it was a friendship defining experience as old friends met new friends, and chatted about areas in their life that were in need of mutual support and enrichment. For those who missed it, let's catch you up to speed!
Cuffers paired up in groups of two to play a couple of rounds of Mad Libs from templates we have prepared. Partners created unique stories together out of an artist statement, loan letter, vogue wedding story, college acceptance letter, and scam letter. There was a lot of laughter, and inspiration going around.
A full table spread of delicate finger food prepared by our friend Taole Zhu's food project Food Forum. Every piece had a different flavor palette from fruity to savory, that keeps your mouth guessing as you take each bite, encouraging tasty and tasteful communal discussions.
It's not a party in 2022 without an Oracle reading... with none other than our favorite oracle cards, The Deck of Character. Collectively we read each other's pull on questions from what's to come for Cuffers, to how do we each find our respective 'tech sugar daddy.' Certainly juicy and lively as people start to feel like old friends. Following the DOC pulls, each Cuffer received a Cuffing Club Money Tree plant kit, to plant the seeds to nourishing (and prosperous) relationships.
By the end of the evening, some Cuffers were formed with their Cuffing Certificates notarized, by none other than our resident Notary, and wardrobes were exchanged on the spot by two new friends. Sounds like we are off to a fun and fruitful beginning of Cuffing Season!
Thank you for those of you who participated in our first Cuffing Club with an open heart! We hope you have successful Cuffs, whether Cuffing Lite, Intermediate or Pro. To those who couldn't make it, we hope you can join us on our next event!
The Official Cuffing Association of