Artists' Tools — Call for Entries

Submission Deadline: Feb 2, 2020
By email to:


Special Special presents Artists’ Tools (working title). This exhibition is scheduled to open early to mid March 2020 in New York. The objective of the show is to feature items made by artists that function as tools for use in “everyday” applications and/or use in some process of artmaking. The exhibition will be formatted as a group show, with artist-made tools on display and available for purchase.

Submissions can fit either of two categories:

1) Tool created for use in an artmaking process. Tools that are worn, failed or even broken can be equally considered. (e.g. a paint brush attached to a broomstick for painting at a distance)

2) Tool created for use in an “everyday” application that provides a more performative or artistic experience while still accomplishing a task, however mundane it may be. (e.g. a can opener that plays music as you turn the lever)

We invite artists of all media and backgrounds to submit pieces (tools) for display and/or sale in the exhibition. Tools are often physical objects, but may also be digital, or written (e.g. a checklist or set of rules). They can include or be based on readymade objects, but must have some intentional modification to aid in accomplishing a specific task.

For submissions, send an email to by Feb 2, 2020 including:

  • A few images of the tool(s)
  • An image of the tool being used or image of something you made with it, if it is for artmaking
  • A note about the tools function, dimensions, materials, and origin (how or why you made it)
  • Whether or not it’s for sale and price. We strongly recommend artists consider making tools available for sale, as for-sale items may be given priority in the selection process. Sales to be split 50/50 between artist and gallery.
  • Links to work samples, portfolio, and/or social media

Special Special is a gallery, shop, and producer of art editions for everyday appreciation. We collaborate, curate, and transform our space for immersive exhibitions, workshops, and events with a wide range of artists and designers.

To view featured products, collaborations, and past exhibitions, please visit


Special Special
44 E. 1st Street
New York, NY 10003